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Bristol University | MA 2016

William Goodchild’s MA students 2016-17, having just completed soundstage recordings with Bristol Ensemble in the Auditorium at the Victoria Rooms.

Producers from the BBC Natural History Unit, led by Simon Bell, had prepared short film sequences for the students to score.

The Producers briefed the students and collaborated with them throughout the process, giving feedback on the students’ score drafts. 

Students conducted their scores to picture, rehearsing the professional musicians of Bristol Ensemble as part of the recording process.

They mixed, mastered and final mixed their scores to picture. The resulting films were later screened in the Attenborough Room at BBC Bristol.

This is a unique ‘real life’ opportunity for students, affording them the opportunity to work with top professional film producers and musicians.

They have to master every step from initial brief to final mix, which leads to a working appreciation of all the skills and processes required when scoring for film and television.

This project in 2017-18 and 2018-19 led directly to three students having their scores placed in BBC programming. 

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